04 dec Two short 1.5 hour WORKSHOPS on the Core of Patanjali Yoga Sutras – Saturday 10 and Saturday 17 May (16.00-17.30) (price 2 workshops € 25 in total)
In these two short Yoga Philosophy workshops we will take a look at the core of the Sutras of Patanjali. The subjects and approach will be as follows:
When you register you will receive some information to read. It’s not much. But reserve 1 hour for this in your agenda.
During the two workshops we will take a view at the following::
1. Summary of Sutras of Patanjali regarding Klesas, Viksepas and Kriya Yoga
1.1. Core Sutras regarding Klesas and Kriya Yoga
1.2. Supporting Sutra’s for Klesas, Viksepas and Kriya Yoga
2. What are these ‘Klesas’?
3. How to overcome these obstacles?
4. What is the real meaning op tapah?
5. What is the connection with Vikshepas?
6. What to do in a practical way in a holistic approach?
7. What I do?
The price of € 25 is for both of the workshops of 11th May and 19th Mai in total.
If you register on the workshop of Saturday 10 May I will add you to the workshop of Saturday 17 May for free. Both workshops are just 1.5 hour from 16.00 to 17.30.
Do you join me these two short workshops. The price of € 25 is for both workshops in total.